Monday 14 November 2011

Mole Removal Using Cosmetic Surgery

Here is a little video showing us how a mole removal surgery is performed by a surgeon or dermatologist. In this video, local anesthetic is used to numb the area that surrounds the mole, before any incision is made.

The area is then sterialized with an antiseptic to avoid unwanted infection that may get into the open wound. The mole is then cut out using a scapel on the surrounding boundaries of the mole and the mole is removed as a whole, including the portion that lies below the surface of the skin. The surgeon then uses a cutery device to close the blood vessels that were opened during the procedure.

A little smoke , but no pain is noticed from the patient. The doctor then stitches the bottom part of the wound with desolvable stitches that would then desolve into the skin after the wound has recovered. The upper portion of the skin is then stitched with undesolvable stitches which need to be removed when the wound recovers.

There are many reasons why mole removal surgery is done. The mole could be removed due to cosmetic reasons, physical appearence, inconvenience and in some cases because it may lead to cancer of the skin. A sample of the mole is later sent to the lab for a biopsy to determine if it were malignant or benign. In this case the doctor was almost certain that it was benign because the patient had the mole for a very long time, and the mole did not evolve or grow larger.

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