Tuesday 15 November 2011

Mole Hair Removal Methods

Instead of the removal of a mole, some people prefer just to remove the hair on the mole. The hair on the mole can be sometimes unsightly or unwelcoming. However, for those who wish to remove the mole hair, there are quite a few options available which vary in terms of cost, effectiveness and painfulness. Mole hair removal is similar to the method used for cosmetic shaping of the eyebrows, the only drawback is that you are likely to irritate the mole

The first mole hair removal method is by shaving the hair off the mole. Gently shave the hair off of your mole (if the mole is flat and doesn't rise from the surface of the skin). If this method is executed cautiously with a razor, the hair on the mole can be removed without pain. This technique needs constant and repeated shaving to keep the mole hair from growing back. As such, constant care and vigilance is required for this method.

The second mole hair removal method is to tweeze the hair out with a pair of tweezers. This is similar to tweezing eyebrows only you are might injure or irritate the mole. By using this tweezing method, it is possible for the mole to start bleeding. The hair on the mole should take longer to grow back as compared to the previous method, but it can become painful and be a bit irritating on the skin for a few days.

The third mole hair removal method is to remove mole hair with laser or electrolysis. A visit to the dermatologist is needed to remove the hair from the mole either by using laser method or electrolysis method. You can use a low powered laser to remove the mole hair or a high powered laser to remove the mole from the surface of the skin. Electrolysis involves the insertion of a needle into the hair follicle. Anesthetics is to be used in the case of removing the mole completely.

There is no guarantee that the mole hair will not grow back if any of the above methods are used. In some cases, the mole would be free of mole hair and in other cases, mole hair may grow back after a few weeks. Constant care is needed to prevent mole hair from growing back, as such, the mole needs to be actively monitored.

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