Wednesday 21 August 2013

Making a Decision on the Mole Removal Procedure

The process of making an informative and good decision, whether to proceed with mole removal or to just let nature take its course is a very delicate one. It is a balance between taking a risk that things may not be as good as they were before the removal of a mole, and personal gratification of being able to be more presentable and an increase of self esteem, self consciousness and have a better appearance.

No doubt that it is a tough decision, however these are simple questions that you may want to ask yourself, with the help of a dermatologist or skin specialist as a counsellor.

1) What are the possibilities of unexpected surgery outcome ? Or the situation getting worse after surgery?

2) What are the risks involved during surgery?

3) What is the best method that is advised by the dermatologist / skin surgeon to tackle the issue?

4) Is mole removal the only known best option?

5) What is the success rate percentage of the mole removal procedure?

6) What preparation needs to be done before surgery?

7) How would the mole removal procedure affect my daily lifestyle and perception of other people towards my appearance?

8) Would it be better for me to leave it as it is, rather than to proceed with the removal of the mole?

9) What difference would it make to my appearance?

10) Could I live with a scar if things were to turn for the worse during surgery?

11) Does it really matter if I had this procedure done, and how would it matter most?

12) What are the other options available, besides mole removal surgery?

13) What are the different methods of mole removal, and what is the most suitable method that should be used in my specific case?

14) Would I be comfortable, going through such a procedure?

15) Last but not least , can I afford the treatment and post surgery cost of dressing and care that needs to be taken into account? Although money may not be the main concern, it does play its role in the ability to sustain post surgery treatment and rehabilitation.

Taking into account, the number of cases where scarring or infection during post surgery treatment can cause lifelong effects on the appearance, it is necessary for one to assess the situation thoroughly and look at the motivating factors before jumping into the wagon.  

One has to take full responsibility of the situation and decision before opting to proceed with the mole removal procedure.

One may  argue later on, that the surgeon had made a mistake, but ultimately, it is the person that is going through the mole removal procedure that has to live with the outcome for the rest of his or her life. As such it is better to assess the situation from all possible angles, with the best information available before making the decision, whether or not to go ahead with the mole removal surgery. The ultimate decision should make sense, be practical, made with the right guidance, and information from a qualified dermatologist, skin specialist or skin surgeon. 

However, you should never make a decision because you are forced into the decision by any internal or external factors. Remember, there is always a choice and you should always take ownership and responsibility to make the choice, as you would be the one to live with it for the rest of your life!

Being able to communicate freely with your skin specialist, dermatologist or skin surgeon about your feelings, anxiety, fear or doubt would make you feel more comfortable during the decision making process. If you have a spouse or a very close family member or friend that you are comfortable with and could share your feelings with, and if it could make you feel more confident about your decision, then you should try to share your decisions with them. However, never should you shift the responsibility of making the ultimate decision to them.

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