Thursday 1 December 2011

What are warts

Wart on the index finger

A wart is a small rough growth commonly found on the hands and feet, also on other parts of the skin which look like cauliflower or a blister. Warts are caused by viral infection. There are about 10 different kinds of warts, with the most common one being harmless. Warts can be contaigious, which mean that you can get it from other people which enter the body in the area of broken skin. Normally, warts dissapear in a few months, however there are certain cases which last for a few years and possible reoccourance.

Wart on the toeThe picture above shows warts on a finger. The picture to the left shows warts on the big toe. There are a few common types of warts. The most common ones are listed below.

1) Common wart which is a raised wart with rough surface which is most
     common in the hands but can grow anywhere on the body.
2) Flat wart, a small smooth flat wart that mimics the colour of flesh and
    can grow in large numbers, most commonly found on the face, neck,
    hands, wrists, knees.
3) Filiform or Digitate wart which is like a thread or finger like which is
    most common on the face, near the eyelids and lips.
4) Genital wart is a warts that grow on genetelia
5) Mosaic wart, a type of wart which are tightly clustered and common on the hands and soles of the
6) Periungal wart, a type of wart which grows like cauliflower like clusters around the nails.
7) Plantar wart, a hard sometimes painful, often with multiple black specs in the center, usually
     found on the sole of the feet.
Warts are caused by the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). There are almost 130 types of known strains of human papiloma virus.

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